May 10, 2005
Press) –
More workers
are contributing
to 401(k) retirement
accounts, but
many are still
too heavily
invested in
their own company's
stock, according
to a national
survey released
Tuesday by Hewitt
Associates Inc.
Hewitt's annual
report, titled
"How Well
Are Employees
Saving and Investing
in 401(k) Plans,"
found that some
70.3 percent
of workers participated
in defined contribution
plans in 2004,
up from 69.8
percent in 2003
and 68.2 percent
in 2002.
"We saw
some improvement
... but we're
a little disappointed
that we didn't
see more movement
than we saw,"
said Lori Lucas,
director of
research at
Hewitt, which
is headquartered
in Lincolnshire,
That's especially
true, she said,
because more
companies have
tried to educate
workers about
retirement savings
plans and there's
been more public
discussion about
the need for
private retirement
savings amid
the debate over
reforming the
nation's Social
Security system.
The study also
found that despite
horror stories
about workers
who lost most
of their retirement
savings with
the collapse
of Enron Corp.
in 2001 and
WorldCom Inc.
in 2002, many
workers continue
to buy and hold
large amounts
of company stock.
The Hewitt
survey found
that more than
one in four
workers held
half or more
of their total
401(k) balances
in employer
stock. Many
receive company
stock as part
of the company's
invest in company
stock for a
number of reasons:
loyalty to the
company, confidence
that their company's
stock is a superior
assurance in
their 'insider'
knowledge, failure
to understand
risk —
just to name
a few,"
the report said.
Lucas said
10 percent to
20 percent is
the maximum
one should hold
of any asset,
including company
stock. She said
that most companies
have eliminated
mandatory, long-term
holding periods
for company
stock, so workers
can sell the
shares if they
want. "But
people are not
responding by
their balances,"
she said.
Hewitt, which
is a global
human resources
and consulting
firm, said its
latest survey
looked at the
some 2.5 million
workers eligible
to participate
in the retirement
plans offered
by large companies.
The object,
Hewitt said,
was to give
workers and
their employers
some baselines
to compare their
own performance.
Among the findings
in the 2004
- The average
level of participating
workers was
7.9 percent
of before-tax
salary. Workers
in their 20s
averaged 6.3
percent, while
those in their
60s averaged
9.7 percent.
- The average
account balance
was $68,630.
Male workers
had higher
average balances
than females
— $86,930
for men compared
with $48,970
for women.
And average
balances increased
with age,
ranging from
$10,730 for
people in
their 20s
to $37,420
in their 30s,
$80,170 in
their 40s,
and $115,260
in their 50s.
- One in five
workers did
not contribute
enough to
qualify for
the full employer
which typically
is about 6
percent of
- The majority
of workers
made no attempt
to rebalance
or reallocate
their holdings
in 2004.
Lucas said
that the balances
for many age
groups "were
not where those
need to be at
that stage of
the game,"
suggesting that
workers were
late in signing
up for 401(k)
plans and didn't
contribute as
much as they
Lucas said
she thought
some workers
were overwhelmed
by the amount
they need to
save, so they
do nothing.
"I use
the analogy
with weight
loss. You may
need to lose
100 pounds,
but it's easier
to deal with
if it's 2 pounds
a week,"
she said. "Instead
of aiming for
a $1 million
nest egg, just
save 2 percent
more than you
are every year
until you get
to 10 or 15
percent of wages.
something people
can better grasp
and take action
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